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Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2016 06:43:32 +0200
From: Standard Chartered Bank [soliman.mnutrims@mnubd.com]
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: SUBJECT:Advice from Standard Chartered Bank
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Subject: Your beneficiary advice from Standard Chartered branch/subsidiary
Dear customer,
We are pleased to attach your Payment advice with this email, based on the request from the sender to keep you informed.
Should you have any enquiry or require assistance, please contact the sender (our customer) at the contact number stated in the attached advice.
Please note that you will need Java Oracle to view your advice. If you do not have the required software, you can download it from the Oracle website at www.java.com
This is a system generated e-mail. Please do not reply to the sender of this e-mail.
Best Regards,
Customer Service Manager
Standard Chartered Bank
This email and any attachments are confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the addressee notify the sender immediately and destroy this email without using, sending or storing it. Emails are not secure and may suffer errors, viruses, delay, interception and amendment. Standard Chartered PLC and subsidiaries ("SCGroup") do not accept liability for damage caused by this email and may monitor email traffic. Unless expressly stated, any opinions are the sender's and are not approved by SCGroup and this email is not an offer, solicitation, recommendation or agreement of any kind. You may wish to refer to the incorporation details of Standard Chartered PLC, Standard Chartered Bank and their subsidiaries at https://www.sc.com/en/incorporation-details.html.
If you wish to be discontinue receiving your statements through email, please contact your customer services representative or your local Standard Chartered Bank support telephone number.
Standard Chartered Bank ("SCB") is a member of SCGroup incorporated in England with limited liability. SCB's principal office is 1 Basinghall Avenue, London, EC2V 5DD, UK. SCB is authorised and regulated by the Prudential Regulation Authority ("PRA") and the Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA") and registered with PRA and FCA under no. 114276. SCB's VAT no. is GB244106593. PRA and FCA are the lead regulators for the SCGroup. For regulators in other countries contact the local compliance officer.
Vote for a Global Goal at www.sc.com/globalgoals[https://www.sc.com/en/sustainability/Global-Goals.html]. Every vote counts to end extreme poverty, fight inequality & injustice, and fix climate change.
This email and any attachments are confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete all copies and notify the sender immediately. You may wish to refer to the incorporation details of Standard Chartered PLC, Standard Chartered Bank and their subsidiaries at http://www.sc.com/en/incorporation-details.html.
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